International Festival Interest Survey

3/18/2024 9:57 pm

The Clermont PTA would like to gauge interest in an international festival scheduled for Friday, May 17th, 5:30-7:30 p.m. It will be a fun and educational experience celebrating the diverse cultural backgrounds that make up our wonderful Clermont Community!

There will be opportunities to pre-order food from food trucks for dinner and dessert.

We’re also seeking families to share about their culture. Families can contribute by hosting their own country display table, leading a performance or demonstration, and/or participating in a fashion show.


Families can also support the event by volunteering to help with set-up or clean-up.

Please answer a quick 3-minute survey no later than Friday, April 12th.


We will contact families by email or Sign-Up Genius for additional details and to confirm


Questions can be directed to


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